Sunday 6 March 2011

frequently asked questions by atheist

Q1) I do not believe in God.

A1) Has science explained one effect (that has created this world) that is exclusively indepedent and it is not byproduct of some cuase or doesn’t have the cuase? Such an effect can only be called the real cuase of this universe. Big Bag theory or other theories are explaining the (creation) story from the middle instead of from begining. Even if the science explains it in future there is always a question of what is the cause of that primitive cause or how that cuase was existing. All the religions says that God was existing before the creation started (Becuase He is self-existing or exclusively indepedent energy) so He could start it.
We all know that nothing in this world can be produced (even a petty things) without proper application or by chance or passage of time. How can a big things like creation start without a Maker’s application?
Hindusim explains the same thing in a different way: The words like creation and destruction is used to mean something that is near to science. Creation means that the material things getting emerged from the God (so it is not literally produced) and destruction means material things merging (in sanskrit word laya means the same) back to the God. It explains in 2 perspective: one is puranic and another is scientific.
Most of the Puranas (as there are many) tells that before the creation started Lord Vishnu was lying on Shesha (literally means what is left out after destruction or before creation started) and Shesha is floating on an ocean. Then one day a lotus sprang out from Lord Vishnu’s navel and God Brahma came out who is the secondary creator. God Brahma creates now under the direction of Lord Vishnu who is the absolute God or reality. This story shows that God is the seed (efficient cuase) of the creation and water is one of the material cuases of creation. The springing of lotus from Lord Vishnu’s navel means all the creation was merged in God and it simply emerged out. Demigod Brahma can be called as the instrumental cuase of the creation. Brahma is both a post given by God as well as the name (Brahma means which is great or big) of God. In the end of Ramayana, Sri Rama (incarnation of Vishnu) assures Hanuman that He will be given the Brahma padavi (job to take part in the creation) in the future.
Scientific perspective tells how all the material elements and how all the material sensations came. In the TAITREYA UPANISHAD BRAHMANAND the creation is described in the following manner: Out of prakriti – elementary material cause of the world – God first brought out Akasha (space or ether). Akasha is said to be non-atomic, ONE. Undevidable, all pervading and ubiquitous. The Cosmic Self (God) is embodied in the Ether. Hence, God is also eternal and the creator of this universe. Akasha was the first to appear, constituting the origin (can be categorized as material cuase or instrumental cuase but not efficient cuase) for all phenomena on the material plane. So space was first manifested becuase if there is no room nothing can be produced. Then was evolved Vayu – gaseous or vaporous condition of matter; out of Vayu proceeded Agni – matter which gives out heat, light and electricity – out of Agni proceeded Liquids; and out of liquids came solids (such as earth); out of solids issued forth vegetables which yielded food. Food produced the reproductive element which is the cause of the physical body and bodily organs.
Each has a counter part in its subtle Element, tanmatra, or quality. These are denominated primarily as the five sense objects. But the subtle Elements are also the functions of the gross Elements. What they do, bring about, effect.
Earth, Prithivi Smell, relationship, Gandha
Water, Apas Taste, essence, Rasa
Fire, Tejas Form and colour, Rupa
Air, Vayu Touch, contact, Sparsha
Ether, Akasha Sound, word, Shabda
The four Forces of physics are called gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and the electro magnetic force. Is this an accident or history? A mere coincidence? Possibly not, if we compare the functioning of the four interactions with the qualities of the four Elements as expressed in their respective tanmatra or subtle Elements.
Earth: relationship gravity: generates mass, holds mass together forming bodies, let’s
smell these bodies relate to eachother in solar systems, galaxies, generally creates attraction and relationship.
Water: essence weak nuclear interaction: transmutes nuclei of atoms by mediating
taste radioactive decay, changing them into other chemical elements through, as it were controlling and regulating essence.
Fire: form and electro magnetic force: charge gives form to atoms, and thus to
colour everything in the universe; what is visible light for us is a small section of all radiation, caused by photons, the carrier particles of the electro magnetic force.
Air: contact strong nuclear interaction: binds the touch particles in the nucleus of
touch the atom, also described as ‘glue’.
Akasha: If we accept that what the ancients called Mahabhuta or Elements could be known to modern science as forces, then what should we conclude about the fifth Element of the doctrine, the Akasha or Ether? It was the first to appear, constituting the origin for all phenomena on the material plane. The other four Elements are generated from it, each from the previous one. It holds and controls them within itself without being impacted by them. Shabda, sound or word, and cosmic vibration, is its quality. It can be described as a unifying force field, characterised by vibration and God is hidden in the Akasha. In order to know more of the God, we have either read the scriptures given by sages of Vedic time or you have to penance by meditating on God.
On the broader level, there are three causes – The efficient , the material and the common. The efficient cause is the one by whose directed activity a thing is made, and by the absence of whose directed activity nothing is made. It does not change itself, though it works changes in other things. The material cause is one without which nothing can be made. It undergoes changes, is made and un-made.
The common cause is one that is an instrument in the making of a thing, and is common to many things. The efficient cause is of two kinds:-
The Primary efficient cause is the Supreme Spirit – the God itself.
When the time of Creation comes, God gathers those extremely subtle particles (called Paramaanus). The first principle that is produced out of the highly subtle elementary prakriti, is called Mahaatatva – theprinciple of wisdom – which is one degree less subtle than the prakriti. Out of the Mahaatatva is evolved Ahankaara – the principle of individuality – which is still less subtle and in its turn gives rise to the five subtle principles, called Bhuts, besides the five principles of sensation and five principles of action and the principle of attention.
The minutest particle of matter that cannot be divided any further is called a Paramaanu (atom).
60 Paramaanus make one Anu (molecule).
2 Anus make one Dvyanak, which enters into the composition of the ordinary physical Vayu (air).
3 Dvyanaks make one Trasarenu that forms Agni – that condition of matter whose property is light, and heat.
4 Dvyanaks formJala (liquids).
5 Dvyanaks form Prithvi (solids).

(Q2) I believe that God is almighty but I do not believe in religion or personal form.
A2) If you are believing in God, then you are believing that God is almighty. If God is almighty He should have good communiation skills and at least propagated the knowledge about how to live in the world to the first human He created or sapta-rishis (7 sages who spread the knowledge to the humankind) He created. Or He may come later to repeat the class to a specific group of people or to a specific person. If God doesn’t take a personal form then you are denying the almighty feature of God.

(Q3) I do not believe in Ghost becuase it is due to Split personality of a person?
A3) The concept of Split personality itself is confusing. How can there be 2 personalities in a person which he/she doesn’t know that he is having it? When both the personalities are using the same brain, how can he doesn’t know/feel his other personality? A person will deny his other character only becuase of 2 reasons:
If he doesn’t remember (short memory power) what he did/said before.
If he is cunning and tried to prove that he did not do or said something even though it is said/done by him (when the ghost was controlling).
There are 3 states of mind in a person: waking, sleeping and dreaming. Person who acts that he is empowered by a ghost is most of the times will be in waking state. How can he doesn’t remember his other personality or activity when he is in waking state? Why cannot the brain fetch that activity being done later? Doctors who prove the Split personality concept try to use some terms to explain why the brain doesn’t fetch the data on an activity later. But are the Doctors simply looking inside the brain instead of trying to understand if there is something beyond brain or intellect? Who is enjoying in deep sleep state when the body or the brain is disabled?
The reason we are not believing in soul or spirit is becuase we are subjective to the body concept. The sense organs of our body is so much powerful we are made to think that this body itself is the self. We have to go beyond the body concept and understand the one who is using the eyes to see this world, one who is using brain to decide what is right and wrong, etc. For example, when you get cough you may try to stop it by closing the mouth. Now what made you cough? The answer is becuase of nostril congestion in the body. Now who is trying to stop it or feeling the pressure of the cough? Please do not use your intellect or logical mind. Use the intuition instead. If your mnd is disturbed, then you cannot understand this concept. In the book written on Yoga, it is mentioned that there is one more state of mind in which the person is able to clearly distinguish the body and the self. In this state, the self will able to fully fix his mind on his own self (real self) instead of something else. This is something that can be experienced and cannot be proven by logic.

(Q4) Why there are some many people atheists in this modern world?

(A4) Just as a person suffering from fever develops aversion towards food, in the same way, the presence of atheism in a man goes to prove that he is suffering from some spiritual disease. Just as after the person has been cured of his fever, again starts liking food, similarly, an atheist becomes an ardent devotee once his spiritual disease gets cured. So if a person is atheist that means he is spiritually disabled (even though he is scholar or scientist). He doesn’t actaully know who am I actually.


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